Dave has been practicing since the 90’s and teaching since 2015. His flows are based on the principle that we can't be good at yoga, we're just here to be the best versions of ourselves. He maintains the link between breath, asana, mantra and drishti throughout and explores using our breath as both a psychological and physical practice.
When we focus on our breath we ‘think’ less. In this way Yoga lets us stop being who we ‘think’ we are and start being who we actually are. On a physical level, yoga takes us out of our comfort zone but not over our edge. Once there, we use our breath to push into our boundaries a fraction. In this way Yoga helps us grow as people as we explore our relationship with ourselves via our limitations.
Bhakti means to devote your practice to someone or something who needs it more than you.
By becoming the best version of ourselves we can be of most use to the world we share with each other.